6 Tips for an Infusionsoft Expert to Help Your Campaign Succeed

Infusionsoft is certainly complicated software, and it can be a bit overwhelming when you first get started. In fact, that's why so many small businesses choose to hire an Infusionsoft virtual assistant. Still, if you're trying to manage your own campaigns and you'd like a little Infusionsoft help to keep you going, the following are tips from Infusionsoft consultants who help small businesses learn to use and implement Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft Help from the Experts

1. Remember to develop in keeping with your technical level. That's because making a website too complicated and beyond your skills will mean you need to rely on a great deal of technical support just to manage it.

2. Did you know custom fields can work as tags? Contacts may have more than one tag, but most people will have just one piece of information in a custom field. Tags accumulate on a record, while custom fields are overwritten with new information when an online form is filled out. To understand if you need custom tags, and how they should be set up, ask yourself if the information is relevant, and if you need the information to search for target groups in your database.

3. A great habit to get into if you prepare your own emails rather than relying on an Infusionsoft virtual assistant is adding a Paragraph Snippet for each paragraph in your emails, rather than using a single Snippet for all of the content. Not only will this improve integrity, it will also help to reduce issues you may encounter while formatting your email template.

4. One of the best pieces of advice an Infusionsoft expert can give? Always ask yourself what tags should be applied or removed to most accurately reflect what a particular contact has done or not done whenever you start or end a sequence. This is absolutely essential if you want to personalize communication because it gives you more information about the actions of your contacts.

Hire an Infusionsoft Specialist Today!

5. Any Infusionsoft expert will also tell you that you need to plan for success, but even a very successful campaign will lose a lot of opportunities without redirection. Always ask yourself what will happen if prospects don't do the actions you want them to do, and plan accordingly. Keep in mind that the goal of each email you send is a click, so don't worry about your open rates, which can be very misleading. Your campaign should also address cold, warm and hot sequences to make sure your marketing tone best matches the mindset of your prospects.

6. Keep in mind that bigger isn't necessarily better when it comes to an email list. It's the responsibility of the business owner to manage an email list and weed out bad email addresses, bounces and people who are simply not interested in the message. Remain focused on engagement to get a clearer running and a more profitable campaign.


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