8 Common PPC Mistakes on Latest Blog Post

SEO Miami, the company behind the popular eCommerce and shopping cart software, shared in its latest blog post eight common PPC mistakes business owners make, and how to avoid them. In addition to providing eCommerce software, SEO Miami offers pay-per-click marketing packages to customers.

As SEO Company Miami was quick to point out, Google's pay-per-click advertising can be a great way to launch a new eCommerce website, although mistakes can be costly. The software giant says that fine-tuning of a PPC campaign over time can dramatically reduce costs as well as boosting profitability.

One of the most common mistakes small business owners make is bidding on broad or short-tail keywords. While these keywords may have a great deal of traffic and be highly relevant, a business that's too small or new in the industry should avoid it. Small, new businesses will end up spending too much money attempting to complete with established players, so it's best to focus on a long-tail variation of these keywords for higher conversions and lower CPC costs.

SEO Miami also pointed out a newbie mistake that can be costly: forgetting to set a campaign to search network only. As they explained, Google's default settings are designed to get marketers to spend more, but campaigns shouldn't be set up on the display network in most cases, and ads should be set to display only in search.

Forgetting to eliminate negative keywords from a campaign can also be costly, according to SEO Expert Miami, as these keywords will bring very little or no business. Examples include words like free, cheap or torrent, and the software company recommends doing a Google search for "(industry name) negative PPC keywords" prior to bidding to ensure these keywords are eliminated from the beginning.

The marketing experts at SEO Specialist Miami offer advertising campaign management in addition to their popular shopping cart software to help new eCommerce sites get off the ground and start seeing a profit. Their PPC packages are perfect for driving immediate convertible traffic and the company offers gold, platinum and titanium PPC packages.


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